1/7/13 small stone

Pine needles, still smelling of Christmas–
litter swept into the dustpan.

About Susan L Daniels

I am a firm believer that politics are personal, that faith is expressed through action, and that life is something that must be loved and lived authentically--or why bother with any of it?
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17 Responses to 1/7/13 small stone

  1. BroadBlogs says:

    Just took down Christmas yesterday. Made me sad. I miss my Christmas house.

  2. Susan,
    We took down the little $2 fake tree we got from the corner thrift shop. It shed as many needles as a real full-sized tree. We were all sweeping up with you. Synchronicity.

  3. Trent Lewin says:

    You can make clothes out of pine needles, Susan. But they don’t do so well in a wind. What is a “small stone” by the way?

    • Prickly clothes too, I’ll bet. Mine went in the compost. So still using them 😉

      A small stone is a thought, a quick image. No true set form, just brief–but still complete. Sometimes mine run away with me and become prose-poems.

  4. I am sure I can almost smell the Christmas. 🙂

  5. We’ve always had a real tree at Christmas, but are seriously thinking of going for one of the fake ones for next year … but somehow, something makes me hesitate …
    Lovely small stone, Susan 🙂

  6. mimijk says:

    So lovely and yet so sad..

  7. mobius faith says:

    fragrant litter – what a notion. Love it!

  8. nelle says:

    One of the saddest things in childhood, the disassembly of anticipation.

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