they splash in water

they splash in water
that foretells autumn
in yellow leaves
clinging to the bank

against all that green

About Susan L Daniels

I am a firm believer that politics are personal, that faith is expressed through action, and that life is something that must be loved and lived authentically--or why bother with any of it?
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13 Responses to they splash in water

  1. Ian Moone says:

    I have noticed that the trees are starting to let go to the next cycle as well, guessing a new season of poetry will be written

  2. yes–September/October seem to charge a lot of poetic batteries (mine included).

  3. dannypereyra says:

    So simple but says so much. 🙂 I feel like a yellow leaf clinging to the bank sometimes.

  4. Jeremy Nathan Marks says:

    This is a favorite. 🙂

  5. Jeremy Nathan Marks says:

    Reblogged this on The Sand County and commented:
    I especially love what the last two lines have captured.

  6. Deborah Avila says:

    a sharp echo thru color! It reminds me of a siege of one beauty over another ~ lovely !

  7. nelle says:

    I see nothing – Nothing! Everything is green green green, summer is here forever.

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