When a wonderful poet writes a poem your lines inspire, you share it…you have to. Thank you so much, David! You are awesome!


Someone I know

Finds the big in the small

Others wearily drift through the mundane and banal

Everyday moments

Just life passing by

But my friend is an alchemist of thought and word

She pulls on kaleidoscope glasses

Crystallizes each moment

With surgical precision

In words

Finds insight




I picture her with paper and pen

Out for a walk

Going shopping

Herding children at the fair

Sitting at a red light

Capturing the fleeting thoughts

That all too often shimmer briefly and disappear

For the rest of us

She doesn’t let them go

She knows how transitory insight can be

Stabs them with a ballpoint

Captures phrases on crumpled pages

Transmogrifies the unknowable

With the poet’s art

With ease and grace

And sends each missive

To the world

To share

And delight


David Trudel    ©  2012


Dedicated to Susan L. Daniels.

Read her work at:…

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About Susan L Daniels

I am a firm believer that politics are personal, that faith is expressed through action, and that life is something that must be loved and lived authentically--or why bother with any of it?
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4 Responses to

  1. unfetteredbs says:

    how lovely of him… what an awesome connection Susan

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